

– Under 18 years of age (even with parental consent)

– Pregnant or lactating – Please wait until you are no longer nursing or willing to pump and dump.

– On Retin A or Accutane – Please stop using any topical steroids at least 7 days prior to your procedure and at least 50 days after

– If you have taken antibiotics in the past 3 weeks

– Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, hemophilia, heart disease, epilepsy or any immune system disease should get their physicians approval prior to any tattooing procedure

– People taking blood thinners like aspirin, ibuprofen, herbs need to stop using them prior to the procedure (Please advice with your doctor)

– People with glaucoma (eyeliner only)

– Active skin cancer in the area

– Hemophiliac

– Any healing disorders, uncontrolled high blood pressure or had mitral valve disorder.

– Prone to keloids

– Scars on the area: please wait 6-12 months before undergoing permanent makeup

– Herpes Simplex: If you are prone to blisters, cold sores, and outbreaks please discuss the procedure with your physician and what prescription to take to prevent any of those. (i.e.: Zovirax or Valtrex)

Touch Up

Cover up

We do not offer touch up or coverup on other artists work, unless faded down to 20% and approved by acting artist. Initial procedure price will apply.

Pregnant / Breast Feeding

You must wait until you are no longer pregnant or breast feeding in order to have permanent makeup done.

Before Care


drinking alcohol 2 days prior,  exercising 1 days prior or taking pain killers, blood thinners and fish oil 7 days prior.


No sweating, rubbing, washing or scratching your eyebrows for 10 days for best results


After your initial appointment you will access to your artist via text or her mobile number, so you can get questions answered quickly.

The Difference?

All of our tools are 100% disposable including the microblade’s handle itself. We only use the latest Phibrows pigments. We continue to educate ourselves with the biggest artists in the world